The Rantings of a Tortured Mind

Valerie Rayne Rants

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Lots To Do…



So I’ve been a little addicted to the new Google Keep and have a whole bunch of to-do lists going on right now of all the stuff that I’ve got to get done. I’ve gotta call about my Mom’s surgery on Monday, after she’s been taken in, just to check that everything’s alright. I’ve got to work on The Blog Everyday Challenge, which I’ve hugely neglected and haven’t even looked at in over a month.

I’ve got a lot of blogging-related things that I’ve got to get done. I mean, 9 different notes that are all blogging related. It seems like a lot of work, especially when you consider that each of these to-do lists have at least 5 things on them that I need to accomplish… It feels very daunting and at first, I was inspired by all these to-do lists and now I’m just feeling a little boggled down. I also think it’s incredibly interesting that I use Keep rather religiously for just about everything, but never once used Google Tasks or any of the other task managers that I’ve downloaded…

I’ve spent the last two days in a very quiet state, my mind whirring with thoughts about just about everything. I’m still stuck on The Boyfriend’s unwillingness to compromise, so that’s been on my mind non-stop. I haven’t had even one second to have a discussion with him since there’s been no days off and when he gets home from work, all he wants to do is get on the games with his work buddies. Not only is he playing with some of them on the Xbox, now he’s also playing with them on Star Trek: Online. I guess it’s okay though, because I’m still trying to figure out what exactly I plan to say, which I’m at an absolute loss for words. I don’t even know how to broach the subject or what to say once I broach it. I can’t make him enjoy something that he doesn’t and I’m not the type to give ultimatums, so it’s a little hard to find the words.

I worked a little bit on some of my #NerdyJourney stuff, new photos have been added to my Random Minecraft photo album on Facebook and I’ve even started a new survival mode one that I’m actually enjoying playing. Today, The Boyfriend is planning to bring me home The Sims 3. I seriously love this game so much, but I haven’t gotten to play it much. We’ve bought it (this will be) 5 times now and every single time, the kids end up scratching the crap out of the disc before I can even really start playing it. This time, it’s not going down. We said that last time too, but the kids ended up discovering our hiding spot…

The kids have a week off school, which I’ve been arguing with myself whether I enjoy the concept or not. On Thursday, their last day of school, I felt incredibly excited about this week off and just as the weather was warming up, it couldn’t have hit at a better time. But yesterday, it was a relatively rough day with them, lots of fighting between the boys and tons of whining about video games, I decided I was no longer looking forward to this week off. The feeling keeps coming and going in waves today, based on how their behaving. Right now, they’re all laying quietly watching Spongebob together and so it’s a moment of excitement about this calm and quiet week off. I’m sure once this over, they’ll all start acting up, asking questions, whining about not getting their way, whatever it may be, and it will be another moment of hating this week off…

Other than that, it’s been pretty boring around here and not much has really happened. No plans for Easter either. How’s your Easter weekend going?


Happy Birthday Boyfriend (with Pictures)

Yet another year has gone by and it’s that time of year again when for a short period of time, The Boyfriend and I will the same age! It’s always an exciting time of the year for me, because I don’t feel like the oldest one in the relationship (even though I know that I always will be, I don’t feel it so much).

Generally, we don’t do much for anyone’s birthday around here. For his this year, it somehow managed to be quite a special day. We had tried to talk the kids into sleeping in or at least letting us sleep in, but that didn’t really go as planned. Although it was quite a bit easier than we had expected to wake up this morning. First order of business was to get some coffee in us and even though it was bitterly cold and snow was blowing all over the place, the birthday boy braved the weather and brought us home the first coffees of the day.

He let me play Minecraft for a bit – I’ve got two different files going right now. One is my “creative mode” one and I’ve got a freaking wicked train station, with a functioning train and it took tons of math for me to figure out how to make this world. First time in years that I’ve used division… The other is a “survival mode” one that I keep re-starting over and over again called ValerieVille. While I was playing Minecraft, he was playing Star Trek Online where he is now a Rear Admiral Lower Half – which just sounds so unlike him that it’s bordering on ironic.

Then, I made the world’s most awesome breakfast brunch ever. I had seen a picture on Pinterest a couple weeks back that inspired the meal today, which made me much more enthusiastic than I had expected. The first time ever that I’d seen something on Pinterest and then actually made it… So, without reading any instructions, I set out to make Bacon Bowls with some Scrambled Eggs and Buttered Toast.

All in all, it was a great brunch that filled us all right up and we all wanted more. Definitely adding Bacon Bowls to more of our meals – because seriously, who doesn’t love bacon and who doesn’t love bowls? They are both very awesome things! I mean, one of them holds things in a circular type fashion, a sort of dome for delicious foods to be gathered in – gathered! And then of course, the other one is bacon and really, I don’t need to explain that one to you… Do I?

After brunch, we switched electronics and he’s spent the majority of his birthday doing his most favorite thing in the world… Gaming.

The kids were in a picture-happy mood, and Miss Kaeidyn wants to show you all the great pictures she took, so check out the public Facebook album “Boyfriend’s Birthday 2013” to see more of our amazing day! She also made a video that’ll show you just what type of nerds I’m living with here… Although, there’s me in the background, blogging away – so, maybe I shouldn’t talk so much đŸ˜‰

Now, the kids are quietly going off to bed, an hour later than they were supposed to for a school night and I’m finishing up this blog post before hopefully going for a nice hot bath. I’ve been spending the last few days working on a special little project (little being the biggest understatement of my year thus far), so I’ve been on the computer a lot more than my body likes – but it’s a project that I’m quite excited about.

I hope you enjoyed being invited in for The Boyfriend’s nerdy birthday party and be sure to like this post and leave any thoughts you may have below!


Feeling So I Don’t Know…

I woke up this morning, feeling pretty darn good. It was relatively easy to get up before noon (seems like it’s always easier when The Boyfriend is home from work), I spent the first few hours playing a new game that The Boyfriend got for the computer – Star Trek Online and let me say one thing, addictive!! After spending too many hours on it last night, the first thing I wanted to do today was play it again.

Then, after playing for a couple hours today, I got up and did some dishes and light cleaning, which made me feel really great. I’ve done a load of dishes every single day this week and I feel mighty good about it. I even discovered that I can have Grooveshark playing on my BlackBerry, so even had tunes playing out in the kitchen while the kids quietly sat and watched SpongeBob. It was wonderful.

Out of nowhere, I start feeling annoyed and frustrated. The kids are all being relatively decent. Sure, there’s always points of this kid being more frustrating at this time than any other, but for the most part, it was all manageable and fine. Kaeidyn and I started watching a movie together, the boys were doing their thing and yet, I just could not shake this annoyed and frustrated feeling.

I figured watching a couple movies would get me over it, but if anything, it seems like it’s just made it worse. The Boyfriend suggested I try the computer and see if that brightens my mood any, so, here we sit…

I can’t figure out, for the life of me, why I feel so frustrated and annoyed right now. I’m accomplishing tons, I’m really enjoying this time off from dealing with school stuff, The Boyfriend and I are starting to get interested in each other’s stuff again (we go in and out of enjoying one another’s hobbies), so we’re talking lots and generally having a lot of fun with each other. Money’s a little tight, but we expected that coming into January (like it goes every year), so it’s not like we’re stressing about anything at this point. And even with all those positive little factoids staring right at me, in type and everything, I just can’t stop these all-consuming feelings.

I start blogging everyday on the 1st. I’m incredibly excited about it and also a little nervous. Maybe that’s part of what’s got my goat, who knows. I’m mostly nervous about it because I’ve gotten more and more likely to stop writing a post right in the middle when I start thinking that it sucks and then never returning to it to make it better. My drafts folder is literally boggled down with posts that are 5 or 6 sentences long, that I just leave there…

But I miss feeling that creativity and inspiration that I feel when I write on a regular basis. When I had a paper and pen journal, I had no problem checking in on it multiple times a day with numerous little writings here and there. Maybe it’s because I didn’t care if it was only 6 sentences long and sucked, so maybe I’ll just adopt that for this challenge. We’ll see how it goes…

I’m also probably feeling a little bit stressed because of my brother, who is yet again, crazy. I mean, there’s really no other way to put it. He was doing so darn good, then this roommate moved in and now all hell has broken loose. My Mom has said she’s done, and I can’t blame her at all. But now that she’s gotten mad at him so many times (and he’s too scared to go over there, just like he’s too scared to go back to his own house), he just comes over here all the time. And even though Mom and I set up a different place for him to stay, with more people who he likes, he still insists on spending what seems like every second of his spare time here.

It’s tough because you can only ask so many times for him to stop talking to himself or so many times for him to stop leaving random crap that he finds all over the house, before you just start feeling an immense amount of anger. It just feels like he has absolutely no respect. And I know that’s not really what it’s like but sometimes it’s hard to forget about your feelings and feel compassion. But it’s also hard to feel any compassion towards a person when they could be doing something to get help (for a problem they are aware that they have nonetheless), and are downright refusing to do so. And I seriously don’t know why he doesn’t get help…

So, that’s where I’m at. Still feeling the same way I did before I started to right this. Hopefully cuddles with The Boyfriend tonight will help đŸ˜‰