The Rantings of a Tortured Mind

Valerie Rayne Rants

This post is intended for adults 18+

If I Could Have Anything for My Birthday…


I’m officially another year older – have been for about an hour now… I only know this, because everyone has been reminding me of it and constantly mentioning it. I would be just as happy forgetting altogether about my aging another year. I feel it, I don’t need to see it in a number. It was also the midnight release of the new Call of Duty game, which The Boyfriend had pre-ordered, so had been counting down to this day for weeks.

I hadn’t really considered that I wanted anything for my birthday until tonight. As an old kinky friend of mine messaged me a birthday greeting card, I suddenly flashed back to the days of munches and spankings. And it seriously floored me, my jaw instantly dropped, when the thought of a birthday spanking jumped into my mind. I have been fantasizing about spankings for so many days leading up to today, that I can’t believe it took a birthday e-greeting to put the thought of making a birthday wish for a spanking into my head!

For probably the last three days, I have been thinking non-stop about spankings. I’ve been reading a lot about spanking, The Boyfriend and I have been watching a lot of porn with spanking in it. And when I got that e-greeting, I just automatically jumped in to thinking about how I want my birthday spanking to go down. Ideally, to start out with, I wouldn’t have to ask for it.

I would love for him to sit down at the end of the bed and pull me down over his lap. I would love for him to be gentle with me at first, caressing my skin and gently tugging at my hair. The first few slaps would be just hard enough for me to feel them and he would be hard beneath me. He’d slap my ass a few times, and then he would rub his rough hands over my flesh and I would tremble beneath him.

He’d begin to work up to harder slaps, warming me up with his firm hands. He would stop every so often to rub my ass, or trace the length of my leg. He would reach his hand up into my hair and yank my head back, before laying down a succession of blows as I squirmed frantically beneath him. He would continue until my ass felt hot to the touch and was reddened quite nicely. Once my rear was to his liking, he’d slide his fingers into me and direct me to the floor. He’d instruct me to get into a position that would allow me to suck his cock while he smacked my ass.

He’d shove his cock deep into my mouth as he reached over to slap my flesh and I’d moan as best as I could. He’d reach his hand into my hair, grabbing as much of it as he could and he would pull me up to meet his lips before shoving me back down to his swollen member. Using my hair as a handle, he’d force me this way and that, until his cock was throbbing and pulsing. He’d pull me up until I was standing, turn me to face away from him and instruct me to bend over.

He’d slap my ass and remark about my glistening cunt and how naughty of a girl I am. He’d slide a finger across my wetness before diving in with his tongue to taste every sweet drop. He’d slap my pussy hard enough to make me flinch before swiftly penetrating me with his ample girth. I’d shriek as he pulled back and slammed into me again, before a hard hand landed on my bottom. As he thrust faster and faster, the slaps would fall harder and he would roughly grip at my flesh before raising his hand. My whole body would be twisting and turning and squirming.

He would pull out and cum all over the redness, instantly warming and cooling the burning, before nestling his face back between my legs and working me until I was cumming so hard it was dripping all over the floor. It would be divine ecstasy!! I would collapse onto him and he would gently caress my rear end and whisper all sorts of wonderful things to me – how much he loves me, how good I did, how proud of me he was, how much fun he had and I would be in total bliss.

That’s what I would have if I could have anything… But, since I can’t, I’ll just fantasize about it. At least I can demand an orgasm sans spanking…

Author: Anyone

Anyone is a wannabe kinkster, blog-a-holic, mom of six ranting about life, love and blogging, and an adult content creator.

3 thoughts on “If I Could Have Anything for My Birthday…

  1. the idea and story were awesome and erotic but i aslo know you to be a big proponent of communication so you should let bf know what you wanted or at very least guided him toward the goal sorry just tryin to defend us (kinda slow and clueless guys) just a little but again story was super hot as is par for you

    • Thanks so much for the comment justin – totally made my night. Mostly because I got a comment but also because it was fun to read that post again 😉 The problem with The Boyfriend and I unfortunately has nothing to do with communication. He has just fallen out of love with everything kinky and if it reminds him of kinky, he’s turned away from it. I’m not sure what changed or what happened, but we can’t even really communicate about it anymore. Everything that he has to say about the matter has been said, he’s not interested…

      I totally get what you’re saying though and you’re right that he is one who needs to be guided, but unfortunately spanking is entirely out of the question. It’s definitely a rough thing to deal with and I don’t even know that I am. The more I think about it, the more I think I’m not. I think I’m just ignoring it and I could not tell you why.

      I really appreciated your comment and hope to see more of them.

      • hey Val im just following up and was wondering if you gotten a good spankin as of late and if not have you made any progress. Just curious keep me posted thanx

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